engagement photos

Hubbard Park Engagement Photos | Chris + Alivia get married

Meet Chris and Alivia.

They are one of the nicest neighbors I have ever had! They have big hearts, hearts for love; they would always offer me food, and Lord knows, that is the way to my heart. (Tim knows that too haha). This couple also loves God and inspires us with their dedication to each other, being best friends first! They are also so darn cute together. Fun Fact: Chris styled their outfits for their engagement session photoshoot. WIN!

These two had a beautiful Fall wedding reception at Lighthouse Point Park in New Haven , and they were blessed with glorious rains! They say it’s good luck, but for us, as Christians, we know that Water is an important symbol of Renewal. So, Chris and Alivia, may everyday be blessed with showers of Renewal, as you continue on your journey of Life together, seeking the Love of Christ first, for God’s Love knows no end. May your Love grow with every day, as you appreciate each other more, and care for each other’s soul, welcoming all of life’s little and big adventures, always together. Amen.

Readers, we hope you enjoy some of our favorite images from Chris and Alivia’s Engagement Photo Session in Hubbard Park, Meriden, Connecticut.