engagement photography

Hubbard Park Engagement Photos | Chris + Alivia get married

Meet Chris and Alivia.

They are one of the nicest neighbors I have ever had! They have big hearts, hearts for love; they would always offer me food, and Lord knows, that is the way to my heart. (Tim knows that too haha). This couple also loves God and inspires us with their dedication to each other, being best friends first! They are also so darn cute together. Fun Fact: Chris styled their outfits for their engagement session photoshoot. WIN!

These two had a beautiful Fall wedding reception at Lighthouse Point Park in New Haven , and they were blessed with glorious rains! They say it’s good luck, but for us, as Christians, we know that Water is an important symbol of Renewal. So, Chris and Alivia, may everyday be blessed with showers of Renewal, as you continue on your journey of Life together, seeking the Love of Christ first, for God’s Love knows no end. May your Love grow with every day, as you appreciate each other more, and care for each other’s soul, welcoming all of life’s little and big adventures, always together. Amen.

Readers, we hope you enjoy some of our favorite images from Chris and Alivia’s Engagement Photo Session in Hubbard Park, Meriden, Connecticut.

I love you where there's no space or time | Central Park Couples Photography

Valentine's Day actually has a great story behind it--about a great Saint (St. Valentine of Rome) --and it is definitely a day that we can remember is to celebrate Love. Love is worth fighting for, and even risking it all for (just like St. Valentine did during the year 269!).

This year, Valentine's day is especially wonderful because it coincides with another Catholic tradition, Ash Wednesday. This means that we will be celebrating the Love of all Loves, and our own little-'L' love. We will be celebrating St. Valentine's day and Ash Wednesday, with ashes on our forehead and a home-made fish dinner, along with full hearts, grateful for the opportunity to remember that life's greatest gift is, indeed, Love

We have been building our habit of gratitude for the other, with words and little acts every day, and something we regularly do, is dedicate music to each other.  There are two songs that we know we'll be dancing to on our own Wedding day (and in our living room when we're old and gray, God willing). These two songs are very special to us: Stephanie dedicates this cover to Timothy, "A Song for you," beautifully done by The Carpenters. Timothy dedicates this love song to Stephanie, "Wonderful tonight," by Eric Clapton. We do not have a lot of money right now, so sweets and treats are hard to come by, but these melodies make our hearts joyful and help us remember the importance of Love--especially when times are tough and every day has struggles of its own. What are some ways that you show your loved one how much they mean to you? 

Please share your comments below--maybe you can help inspire some great romantic gesture, even in the littlest ways!

With that, we want to share a very special featured session for a truly beautiful married couple, Juan and Natasha. These two lovebirds came away to New York to celebrate Juan's birthday (we think his wife is just the best for putting so much thought into making his birthday so special!). We were honored when Natasha reached out to us to take photographs of their first trip to NY as a couple. We were doubly honored when they shared their story with us--their struggles and their joys, and through it all, their sincere smiles and warm laughs. 

We can not tire of acknowledging the beauty of love. Real love--a love that sticks with it, through and through, no matter what comes. Love that fights for each other. Juan and Natasha are definitely great examples of this.

And so, here are some of our favorite images from their Winter Wonderland, "Best friends in Love," Central Park Photography Session ♡♡♡ We can't wait to see what Goodness the future brings these two. Cheers to you both! You are always welcome in NY!


with #scenescerity, Tim+Steph

City Chic Engagement Photography | Via & Benny | Central Park, New York City

Spring is here. We can tell because of the Spring showers and the (late-budding) May flowers. It has been beautiful in our city of New York, and Tim and I can't wait to enjoy more of the sunshine! What's great is that amidst all the chaos of city life, couples can still be so in love, and you can feel it. With that, I'd like to introduce a great couple we had the honor of photographing--Via and Benny. 

When Via and Benny met with us for their initial consultation, they ventured out from the Upper West Side to our favorite little cafe Espresso 77, in the heart of our little corner in Jackson Heights. We walked them through what to expect and what ideas to consider for their session, including location and style tips, and as we got to know them, one thing became clear: how much they loved each other.

Similar to Timothy and I, they have a strong foundation in friendship. A strong friendship is how you can build, together, for a love that lasts. Now, after four years of being together--even through the adventures and craziness of New York as law students--they look forward to their next chapter in life. How exciting!  Tim and I can't wait to soon embark on that similar path. 

We started out by some lovely cherry blossoms in Central Park, by the Literary Walk ("The Mall")--a perfect city location for engagement photography. 

Now, Via and Benny made it clear they didn't want anything over-posed, and wanted a more natural feel. To just be themselves--with some laughs along the way. 


We felt right at home because that is exactly what #scenescerity is all about.

We began with portraits and then, I asked them to take a romantic stroll.

Even though the crowds persisted, you can see, and we could feel, this beautiful connection between them--a connection that seems to say, "even with a million people around, I only see you."




And believe us, we wish we could have parted the seas of people for Via and Benny, to have had just them and the wide open park--but our photography is not about perfection. It is about sincerity.

About Love.

About true relationships. 

Relationships aren't easy and even our parents can attest they are not (Tim's parents have been married a little over 35 years and mine have been married for 23 years, so they've got lessons to spare).

We are also learning the pieces to answer this question: how do you make a relationship last?

We are learning that what makes a  true relationship is definitely friendship, forgiveness, and, in our honest opinion, faith.

Faith in each other.

Faith in the Future together.

And Faith in LOVE. 

And, so we continued on during the session, enjoying the city in all its chaos--a perfect backdrop as a metaphor for Love--in all its splendor. Isn't what makes New York so beautiful and incredible, isn't part of the city's charm, in it's perfect chaos. The hustle, bustle; the dreams, the sheen and the grime. The ups the downs. And it still stands tall. Strong. That's like Love. 

We made our way through the park, to beautiful townhouses (as Via changed from her gorgeous heels to walking flats--so smart!! I have to remember to do that more often), and for the final images, we even captured some sweet moments with rows of tulips--a much welcome surprise for us all. 

Congratulations Via and Benny! Tim and I learned from you and your love and we are so grateful for the two of you deciding to say "Yes" to a life together. May you relive the joy of this day, when you see your images, now and in the future. May it bring you tender memories, when you're both well on your journey of life together. 

Love is always worth it.